Technology Tools in Higher Education Science

Tool #3


  • Description: Zoom is a video conferencing software that enables users to conduct virtual meetings, webinars, and online classes. It provides a range of features, including screen sharing, breakout rooms, chat functions, and recording options. This software enables real-time participant interaction, allowing live lectures, discussions, and group activities. With tools for sharing multimedia content, such as presentations and videos with students available on Zoom, it is an effective tool for teaching (Shen et al., 2023).

  • Three Benefits: Zoom is a potent instrument that educators can utilize to design compelling and interactive science lessons that foster active learning and student involvement. For example, when teaching higher education science courses, Zoom can 1) increase accessibility for students who may face challenges attending in-person classes due to scheduling conflicts or physical disabilities, as they can participate from any location with internet access, 2) allow for breakout rooms and screen sharing can enhance collaboration and facilitate group work and problem-solving among students who are not physically present together, and 3) incorporate interactive features like polling, chat, and virtual whiteboards to improve engagement and create more interactive learning experiences that promote student focus and motivation (Sandrone et al., 2021; Shen et al., 2023).

  • Classroom Application: Zoom can serve as a valuable tool for science instruction in several ways. For example, it can enable the conduction of virtual labs, whereby students can remotely perform experiments and collect data while instructors can demonstrate lab procedures and provide guidance via screen sharing. In addition, instructors can host live lectures on scientific concepts and theories, with features such as screen sharing, whiteboards, and polls utilized to promote active learning, or even allow instructors to host virtual office hours to provide one-on-one feedback on assignments or discuss course material (Mella-Norambuena et al., 2021; Sandrone et al., 2021).

  • Academic Integrity: To maintain academic integrity during online science instruction while using Zoom, instructors should monitor students' engagement and behavior during live sessions, address suspicious activities promptly, build a classroom culture that values academic integrity and encourages open discussions, and encourage students to report instances of suspected dishonesty while maintaining confidentiality. This approach helps maintain integrity and encourages students to take ownership of their learning.